
The Official Site of The Storycrafter

Ep. 03 Chapt 3: "Blackouts & Nightmares"

Cecil Griffith makes a dark discovery his first morning in the Imperial United States, after meeting "Radio Molly Rose" and Colonel Mitch Jackson, a defector from the Confederation. Jameson Mayfield gets his first assignment as a Deputy Investigator for the Thorne & Hearse corporation: find an embezzler... and kill him.

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SPECIAL HEADS UP: Clockwork Looking Glass, the Kindle novel that started it all, will be available for FREE between May 1, 2016 and May 5, 2016. Find it here.

Ep. 02 Chapt 2: "War & Pieces"

Jameson Mayfield is on a mission to gain employment with one of the largest, most murderous corporations in the Imperial United States. Can he be as cold and cruel as those who hire him? Meanwhile, crop duster Martin Barnett tries to convince everyone that something is going on at the O'Reilly farm, but all his family cares about is whether or not he's going to go out with sweet farm girl Sara Deleon.

To leave feedback, comments, or questions about the show, click the "Contact Me" link on our web site.

Ep. 01 Chapt. 1: "Corn & Vodka"

Martin Barnett makes a gruesome discovery while on a routine crop dusting. Meanwhile, British defector, Cecil Griffith III, makes his way to Imperial North America, but Nantucket Island's crazed harbinger is expecting him.

If you're new to the Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast, check out "Episode 0" for a preview. You can also find the SRAP on iTunes!

To leave feedback, comments, or questions about the show, visit the "Contact Me" link on this page.

Ep. 00: Introducing the Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast!

Mike and Robby The Copperheart introduce the Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast with only a few minor bumps and bruises, and one concussion. Selected clips from the first pre-recorded episodes introduce you to the cast, characters, diabolical situations, and some funny bits as well.

The Grand Gaming Table... and Recording Studio.

The Grand Gaming Table... and Recording Studio.